Have your cake.

Like me, Jamey really likes sweets. And desserts. And stuff with sugar in general.

What’s weird to me, though, is that he prefers sugary, fruity things over anything else. I on the other hand would probably eat my fingers if they were covered in chocolate, since chocolate is all I really need in life.

Which is why this conversation did not surprise me in the least:

Claire: What do you think of angel food cake?

Jamey: Meh. [Translation: I’m not motivated to care.]

Claire: What would you think of angel food cake if it looked like this and was on our gorgeous registry cake stand?

Angel food. With strawberries. On a cake stand. Simple, really.

Jamey: (serious pause.) Meh…? [Translation: I could be convinced.]

As you can see, I have a lifetime conflict ahead of me.