Back home and booking it

It’s funny: even if we take a few days off from the blog, Jamey and I still spend so many conversations planning future posts. “Oh, take a picture! That’d be a good blog post!” and “Should we make this? We could blog about it…would probably be popular with the readers,” etc. are two of many topics we throw around. We truly are devoted to all of you, dear readers.

I did start a new job at the end of last week, which explains where I’ve been. And can you believe it? Jamey is finally back in town!

To start the weekend off right, Jamey and I went to our favorite nearby Greek restaurant and ordered this:

The Super Steve/Sam whoever Special. So glad we have leftovers right about now.

Jamey suggested I take a picture before we dig in, but $18.99 for this whole stinkin’ thing? You better believe we split that delicious puppy with two side salads and an extra helping of Greek potatoes. The shrimp are my favorite part, so Jamey in all his thoughtfulness began to brainstorm how we can recreate the shrimp Jamey&Claire-style. (We’re thinking this seasoning might do the trick, which is what we use to give our Greek burgers an awesome kick. Now to figure out how they sauté those shrimp to get them just right…) Continue reading