Friends, come and gone

Whenever the roommates are reunited, I like to think of it as something of a Glorious Reunion.

Testing the waters on an overcast Sunday

There’s something to be said about college friends and the bubbling-over of memories that come with each reunion. This one was particularly special for me, since it introduced three of my closest to my to-be-for-life significant other.

Not much of what we did was particularly out of the norm, aside from gorging ourselves with delicious food and postponing any diet “one more week.” We toured around Charleston, braved the overcast skies and did what we could to savor the weekend together – a weekend that went much too fast.  Continue reading

Hayes 301 is coming to Charleston!

Tomorrow, something great and wonderful and glorious is happening.

Three of my best friends and college roommates are coming to Charleston for the first time. We will explore, gallivant, sunbathe, feast, and most of all, revel in friendship and sunshine. (Ok, that last bit might be a little much. But I’m excited!)

Hayes 301 in its heyday

I am thrilled to welcome them with open arms to my new home, and introduce them to Jamey for the first time. It is utterly preposterous that they have all yet to meet, so of course if they don’t like him then I’m calling everything off. (Kidding, honeybunch!) Continue reading