Georgia: A Recap

While Jamey was away on an eight-day work trip, Rose and I frolicked in the Lake Oconee area of Georgia with our family. Jamey and I are lucky to have parents that live within a 40 minute drive of each other there, so we spent some quality time with uncles, aunts, grandparents, cousins, great aunts and uncles, and even Rose’s great-grandparents. It was truly wonderful to see everyone and get some much needed relaxation time (and basically a summer vacation for me). Who can say no to big southern porches, a book (or occasional beverage) in the hand, and a baby in the arm? Not this momma.

Lake Oconee front porch

My parents’ porch. Can I just take this with me?

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Then comes marriage.

Jamey and I are sitting in the Atlanta airport, waiting to board for our honeymoon flight to Belize. Already everything is a blur; we were so exhausted last night that by the time we got to the Ritz downtown, all we could do is order a beer and a burger with room service. It might have been the perfect start to married life.

I will give you a detailed wedding post soon, especially once we have some pictures. We are counting on all of you to upload some to Facebook!

For now, though, I think it’s fair to say we couldn’t have asked for anything more. From the ceremony to the reception, everything was absolutely perfect and how we imagined.

Thank you to everyone for your blessings, well wishes, thoughts and support. We are completely overwhelmed by how much your love means to us, and that feeling certainly hit me the second I stepped foot in the church and saw all who were there to celebrate with us. I couldn’t hold back the tears even if I tried.

What a beautiful weekend and the start to a lifetime of happiness. Jamey and I will never be able to express just how amazing you all are and what your love means to us. Thank you again and again!

Jamey & Claire


Now, off to Belize!

Jamey and Jamey say hi!

Say hi to Jamey and Jamey doll!


We got in to the Lake Oconee area late Saturday night and have been having a grand old time with our families. Jamey and I even became Godparents!

We return to Charleston tomorrow, and then my bachelorette festivities start Saturday night. 48 days, and we couldn’t be more excited.

Hope y’all are having a lovely Labor Day weekend!