To the Highlands and back again

After the hurricane throwdown Friday night, Jamey and I packed up the car Saturday morning to hit the road for the Highlands for Mary and Cameron’s wedding.

It all started off well. The car was packed, we got on road at a good time, and we had enough newly Pandora playlists for a bad singalong. Of course, all came crashing briefly to a halt when this happened:

Jamey's poor little Mazda

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Hurricane Irene, Mary and Cameron.

We’ve had a lot of hurricane inquiries, and I just wanted to put the word out there that Jamey and I are cool, calm and collected. (I am sure he will argue differently about myself, but he can blog about it if I really get hysterical.) We’ve had some weird weather in these parts this year, haven’t we? Luckily, I ducked out of work with the rest of my office at noon today, since schools are closed, winds are high and people in general are just worried (and not driving as attentively, as a result).

Right now, it looks like Irene is going to keep moving north past us. All we have experienced today is high wind and quite a bit of rain. (I’d take a picture of our front yard for you, but it just looks like rain. I figured your imaginations can put the rest of that vision together.) If anything, we’ll probably just move our vehicles into a covered garage and camp out for the night, but our thoughts are with all our friends up the East Coast who might see worse. Keep us posted on what happens with all of y’all on that route.

As for us, we are going to North Carolina tomorrow for the wedding of these crazy lovebirds!

Mary & Cameron from beach weekend last year. I have other pics, but this one just sums up their love quite well!

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