Hurricane Irene, Mary and Cameron.

We’ve had a lot of hurricane inquiries, and I just wanted to put the word out there that Jamey and I are cool, calm and collected. (I am sure he will argue differently about myself, but he can blog about it if I really get hysterical.) We’ve had some weird weather in these parts this year, haven’t we? Luckily, I ducked out of work with the rest of my office at noon today, since schools are closed, winds are high and people in general are just worried (and not driving as attentively, as a result).

Right now, it looks like Irene is going to keep moving north past us. All we have experienced today is high wind and quite a bit of rain. (I’d take a picture of our front yard for you, but it just looks like rain. I figured your imaginations can put the rest of that vision together.) If anything, we’ll probably just move our vehicles into a covered garage and camp out for the night, but our thoughts are with all our friends up the East Coast who might see worse. Keep us posted on what happens with all of y’all on that route.

As for us, we are going to North Carolina tomorrow for the wedding of these crazy lovebirds!

Mary & Cameron from beach weekend last year. I have other pics, but this one just sums up their love quite well!

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That Sweet Southern Storm

Every once in a while when I’m cruising around Charleston, I get a whiff of Georgia.

This is more palpable than the random pangs I have for home and family. In fact, I’ve been able to smell South Georgia’s forest fires all week here and smother in the blown-over haze. (Yesterday morning’s run didn’t even happen; I could hardly breathe the haze+humidity was so rough, so walk I did.)

So when my co-worker did a weather check yesterday afternoon, I was pleasantly surprised to hear that we might get slapped around with a little thunderstorm. It made the after-work journey home all the more interesting:

This was irresponsible photo-taking, but isn't it cool?

One thing I miss madly about Georgia is the frequent southern thunderstorm. There’s nothing like the oncoming breeze of a big one – when you’re standing out in the grass and catch a whiff of the rain, and a rumble follows. Driving, you see the bright flash in the distance, and you lean more toward the windshield to get a better glimpse and predict where the next one will hit.  Continue reading


WordPress‘s joke of the day is that we posted an April Fool’s post. Well done, WordPress. Well done. (I just thought it was something Jamey posted.)

In other news, the sun has finally decided to descend upon Charleston once more. It is a good sign for things ahead and races tomorrow, along with visits from friends, a potential Firefly Distillery tasting Saturday afternoon, and Jamey’s return home.

My favorite street in Charleston today.

I’m not always mushy mush when he heads out of town for work, but I think visiting this blog incites those sentiments. Updating you on our going-ons leads me to think of him, and so of course mushiness is bound to ensue from time to time whenever I miss him – even if he’s only gone for a few days. Basically, I’m just ridiculous.

I guess it’s going to take us bickering over something for me to tamp down those feelings, but even then Jamey finds ways to amuse me.

So until the next installment in the lives of J&C, have a great weekend. Let’s hope I have enough energy to write a post for you for Monday!

Love, Claire

Walkin' down Broad on this bright sunny day

You’re hot ‘n you’re cold

Let me paint a picture for you.

Your name is James, and you’re on a business trip in Somewhere, Pennsylvania on a Wednesday near the end of March. You’re cold, but you’re not one to complain because you’re tough. And when you’re tough, you mean business, which is why you’re there so it all works out.

However, one early Wednesday morning in Somewhere, Pennsylvania, you pull back your hotel room curtain with the hopes of a bright, sunshine-filled morning. Instead, you see this:

A hotel view in Somewhere, Pennsylvania

A cold, dark scene awaits. Perhaps some derogatory thoughts enter your head, and you wish for home.

Miles away, your sweet financee is driving around Charleston, South Carolina to find a wedding dress for the day of your marriage. She drives with nervous anticipation, heading to a store in an unfamiliar area to search for what she hopes will lead to The One. She sweats in her car, and suddenly realizes it is not a sweat from nerves or anxiety. No, to her chagrin, the temperature outside reads this: Continue reading