Limoncello Layaway

Over a month ago, Jamey and I got a hankering to make our own limoncello. I’m not sure what started this idea, other than the fact that Jamey loves lemons and I love photographing and blogging our recipe escapades. Naturally, this was a recipe and photoblogging plan devised in heaven.

Our homemade limoncello: bottled and poured.

Wait a minute. Now that I’m looking at this picture, I know *exactly* how this venture started: with a TJ Maxx trip.  Continue reading

From belt buckles to wedding dresses

After yesterday’s somewhat somber note, I figured I should 180 the tone of this blog with a little sass from Jamey. We need to bring the silly back.

Therefore, today we bring you another round of The Internet and Alcohol Do Not Mix, part deux. Here’s a picture of the man model himself:

Bit the bullet and bought the belt buckle.

Yes, that is what you think it is: Jamey had a little too much Firefly and lemonade one night last week and bought himself a new belt buckle – made of bullets. Ridiculous. Continue reading

Grocery Store Escapades

I’ve always enjoyed a grocery store trip, especially when I’m not quite sure what I’m getting but have a general idea of what I need. It’s the part of what I want that always is the most fun, along with the hunt of what I can find.

Grocery store round-up: yeah, I don't know how this happened, either.

Last summer, Jamey and I started venturing to grocery stores together when I made my way out to Charleston permanently. It was several months before we ever cooked our first meal, and even then it was probably some lame salmon attempt on my part. I like to think that our food knowledge and experience has drastically improved since then. Continue reading

In which I get sentimental.

All this week, Jamey has been out of town for business.

It’s always funny when he leaves and gives me the house to myself. For the first couple days, I am usually good at finding entertainment: I have time to watch all the t.v. shows and movies I have been wanting to watch (although I never got around to The Last Song like I meant to…bummer), the opportunity to throw my clothes everywhere, maybe not wash all the dirty dishes in the sink at once, and have ample time to do loads of laundry. Girls’ nights feel like they can last all evening, since I only return to an empty house, and later evening shopping excursions give me an excuse to get out and buy just what I don’t really need. (I may or may not have bought this scarf tonight…I am my mother’s daughter.)

That’s not to say Jamey pressures me to do any of the above chores or chains me to the kitchen sink when he’s home. (Or does he?) But our evening hours together are precious, since he’s not a night owl and sometimes likes to do his own thing. That’s fine, and I always respect it; I know we need our space and different activities here and there to relax and take our mind off of a long day’s work.

However, hours spent doing loads of laundry and dishes are not ever appealing (for the obvious reasons and others). I’d always rather spend time with him, no matter the activity. Evenings with Jamey are always a time of day that I wish lasted as long as some work days feel like.

But come Thursday after a business trip, I am always ready for his return. Even if it means that he makes fun of me constantly, like this…

…then nights sitting at home and mocking each other are the only evenings I need.