
If Jamey ever has a home office some day, guess what I’m putting up on the wall first?

Now we just need a glass bottle model of the HMS Surprise.

I am on a serious pirate kick lately, and it might have something to do with the trailer for this movie.

Also, I am loving this Etsy shop. (There might be a certain adorable elephant and baby wall decal that I am desperate to buy, but I don’t need to give Jamey reasons to think I’m baby crazy.)

A bottle of wine and the Internet do not mix

Very occasionally, Jamey and I get awfully silly.

And tonight we got awfully silly.

I bring you our future child:

The Jamey-Claire baby.

This is our future. Is it a girl? Is it a boy? Why is it blond? Only time will tell.

But for now, I can only say that for the past hour we have had way too much fun with this website and its photo uploading and blending capabilities.

…Now back to your regularly scheduled Thursday evening.