Lunch Chat

Since Claire has put me on a wedding diet for our impending big day, we’ve been having lunch in a park down the street from our office.

Today we were sitting and chatting about the inanities of our life, when I spotted a pod of dolphin playing out in the river behind us.

You can’t see them in this picture, but this is the view from our regular table:

Our conversation went something like this:

Jamey: Oh, there’s some dolphin playing in the river!
Claire (turning to look): Where?
Jamey: Op, you just missed them.
Claire: So we’re eating lunch and dolphin swim by playing? This is ridiculous.
Jamey: And you talk about moving to Atlanta…

Baseball and Beach Chairs

Since we’ve been neglecting you, dear readers, let’s do a quick recap of this weekend:

Friday evening, Scott and Lori joined us for dinner and game night. The game part resulted in only one round of Pictionary, which it turns out Jamey does not like! Mostly, I just find this amusing because there are a few select games to which I am not partial. I have played a few of these games with him before, so he knows which ones I really do not enjoy. (No need to go into detail here what those games are…but give Jamey a few minutes of your time and I’m sure he’ll be happy to reenact my displeasure. He for some reason gets sick amusement from this, probably because he just thinks I’m ridiculous.) Therefore, learning that he has a few games that can equally wind him is fairly amusing, notably something as silly as Pictionary.

Saturday night, we were all-American and headed to the Charleston RiverDogs game with a good little group. There’s really no bad seat in the house, but I have to admit we had a pretty sweet view:

Batterrrrr up!

We might have gone off our little diet that we’ve been quite successful at for the past week, but that was because we had to try this: Continue reading

Happy 30th, Jamey!

Happy 30th birthday to my man and dreamboat. I hope you have a wonderful, relaxing day and can’t wait to celebrate with you tonight!

Even Harry wished Jamey a happy birthday!

Now you go eat some leftover chicken and lasagna, sit back, read, and enjoy your day off from work.

Love you!