To the Highlands and back again

After the hurricane throwdown Friday night, Jamey and I packed up the car Saturday morning to hit the road for the Highlands for Mary and Cameron’s wedding.

It all started off well. The car was packed, we got on road at a good time, and we had enough newly Pandora playlists for a bad singalong. Of course, all came crashing briefly to a halt when this happened:

Jamey's poor little Mazda

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Family Backgrounds: AKA The Gray Man

So as a part of Claire and I’s getting used to this whole “marrying each other thing” we’ve been talking a lot about our families.

One of the funny things about my family is that my mother loves ghost stories. When she was a kid -to hear her tell it- she had a pet ghost named Alice. The stories that my mother and her sister tell are both funny, and frightening, and probably why I still don’t like to sleep in the house they grew up in. The Grand Strand of South Carolina has been continuously inhabited (by non-Natives) since the 1670s. It’s seen countless skirmishes, slavery, a war, and all the other detritus & minutiae of human life. My mother says that these emotions and strife of people are what causes ghosts to appear and stay around a place. And since this is a woman who used to take all her high school friends on “Ghost Hunts” on weekends, I’m inclined to believe her.

When I told Claire about my haunted background, she was a bit apprehensive. But I have proof.  Continue reading

Harry Potter

Anyone who knows Claire knows that she is a, well, ravenous Harry Potter fan. I have always liked Harry Potter, too. Many of our initial conversations were about Harry Potter and -I think- seemed more like an oral exam. It felt in many cases that I was being tested to ensure that I really what I was talking about.

Luckily, it would appear that I passed these tests.

So, today, I’m going to start a different sort of post. I’m going to create a repository of all the funny Harry Potter pictures that I run across on the internet. So Claire can review them later at her leisure. Check back more as I keep adding them.

So, without further ado:

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My nemesis.

I am fortunate to have lived my life (so far) with very few enemies. There are people I haven’t liked, and there are occasions that I have had an awfully awkward time due to the avoidance of certain someones, but no one has been a mortal enemy who I have sworn an oath against for life.

I fear that this all has now changed.

Only a bottle of ketchup, you say? Oh, but what evils lie within.

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