Grocery Store Escapades

I’ve always enjoyed a grocery store trip, especially when I’m not quite sure what I’m getting but have a general idea of what I need. It’s the part of what I want that always is the most fun, along with the hunt of what I can find.

Grocery store round-up: yeah, I don't know how this happened, either.

Last summer, Jamey and I started venturing to grocery stores together when I made my way out to Charleston permanently. It was several months before we ever cooked our first meal, and even then it was probably some lame salmon attempt on my part. I like to think that our food knowledge and experience has drastically improved since then. Continue reading

Mid-Week Treats

This has been an extremely busy week in the world of working for me (and Jamey).

With my company’s launch of its new website and product, we have been slammed trying to keep things in order. Quiet moments are few, so it was such a delight yesterday to pop home for lunch and find this lovely package of goodies waiting for me:

Presents from Caroline.

Clearly, Caroline has been reading my blog! (Hi, Caroline!) Jamey and I perused the cookbook last night, and already we made a note of many recipes we want to try. I can’t wait for the farmer’s market to start up again, and now I yearn for constant warm weather even more.

Thank you, Caroline, for my wonderful package. It was such a mid-week treat!

Now, back to the grind.