The Summer of Belly Rubs

Well, looks like that New Year’s resolution didn’t work out so well. And how are you, this happy July?

Jamey and I, like we know you have as well, are in the midst of a summer scorcher. While we’re discussing other facts of life, we might as well throw out that we’re also now homeowners, pet owners, washer and dryer owners – oh, and let’s not forget that we also now possess a dishwasher. Life is amazing.

The home is worth hundreds of entries already, and it’s a shame I haven’t been blogging any of it. Still, let’s go back to the most important part of the above section: we now own a pet, and her name is Scarlett.

“Hello, I’m Scarlett.”

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New Year, New Goals, New Food.

Why, hello there, readers.

It’s been a little over two months since our last post, and Jamey and I have resolved that part of a Sunday afternoon activity should include a blog post per week. (Also, happy 3-month anniversary to us!) We hope to increase the quantity of blogging throughout a week, of course, since it really does set the tone and inspires us for our weekly flavors to consume to write about for you. In the meantime, one a week is the new goal.

We love eating, as you have witnessed, and we have been doing quite a lot of good eating over the past few months that we have not shared with you – much of which we have cooked ourselves! Just this morning, we dined on this for brunch:

Just two weekends ago, we ate this for dinner:

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A Rock and an Ocean

It’s amazing how quickly the time has flown by.

Roughly ten months ago, Jamey proposed. We had no idea what this year had in store for us, and we had no idea the amount of time, effort, love and care that went into the wedding planning experience. Then again, I suppose you can’t really know until you’ve been through it and are doing a lot of it by yourself (with many wonderful family members’ assistance), then suddenly it’s the week of the wedding and it feels like there’s still so much to do.

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Hurricane Irene, Mary and Cameron.

We’ve had a lot of hurricane inquiries, and I just wanted to put the word out there that Jamey and I are cool, calm and collected. (I am sure he will argue differently about myself, but he can blog about it if I really get hysterical.) We’ve had some weird weather in these parts this year, haven’t we? Luckily, I ducked out of work with the rest of my office at noon today, since schools are closed, winds are high and people in general are just worried (and not driving as attentively, as a result).

Right now, it looks like Irene is going to keep moving north past us. All we have experienced today is high wind and quite a bit of rain. (I’d take a picture of our front yard for you, but it just looks like rain. I figured your imaginations can put the rest of that vision together.) If anything, we’ll probably just move our vehicles into a covered garage and camp out for the night, but our thoughts are with all our friends up the East Coast who might see worse. Keep us posted on what happens with all of y’all on that route.

As for us, we are going to North Carolina tomorrow for the wedding of these crazy lovebirds!

Mary & Cameron from beach weekend last year. I have other pics, but this one just sums up their love quite well!

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