Restless Nights

So it happened. I had my first night of dreams about The Wedding.

These dreams were made up of a few sub-types:

  • I was late to the wedding and missed it.
  • I had too many drinks during the day and showed up to the church drunk. -Not sure how this would happen…
  • Couldn’t find my tux. -This actually resulted in arriving to the ceremony naked…

I suppose this kind of thing is normal when the wedding is a lot of what Claire and I talk about these days, but it sure doesn’t make for a restful night’s sleep.

Family time

This weekend, we made a quick trip back to Madison to sort out details surrounding our impending nuptials. Hopefully, we’ll be able to soon announce our official wedding plans, but in the meantime we’re keeping it under wraps until things are official official. (This doesn’t mean that we won’t answer questions surrounding said details; we – or at least I – will gab quite willingly if you are so curious.)

Along with those errands, we also took a little time today to check out Jamey’s sister’s (gorgeous) new house and to play with his nephews.

This picture is too darn adorable.
Uncle Jamey at his finest.

It was a gorgeous weekend for family, wedding ideas, and in its bittersweet moments, missing Georgia.

The 70-degree temperatures were also a pretty big plus.