So much for a productive Friday

So…many of you might be wondering if I am all up in arms over the royal wedding coverage.

Now, Kate is kind of my kindred spirit. Jamey might have gotten some inspiration from my engagement ring, so basically she and I are best friends.

I have been going back and forth over whether I want to wake up/stay up for the 3 a.m. pre-wedding start time. How much havoc do I want to reap on my day tomorrow if I dare stay awake?

Well, this picture has allowed me to make my decision: Continue reading

Wedding tab is up!

Just a heads-up: our Wedding tab is now live!

A postcard from Madison, Ga., where we'll be getting married!

We’re still working out a lot of the little details, but for now you can click over there for the general information. (The permanent address is also Slowly but surely, we are putting this thing together and will let you know as we add more.


Jamey and Claire

Restless Nights

So it happened. I had my first night of dreams about The Wedding.

These dreams were made up of a few sub-types:

  • I was late to the wedding and missed it.
  • I had too many drinks during the day and showed up to the church drunk. -Not sure how this would happen…
  • Couldn’t find my tux. -This actually resulted in arriving to the ceremony naked…

I suppose this kind of thing is normal when the wedding is a lot of what Claire and I talk about these days, but it sure doesn’t make for a restful night’s sleep.