Smoke ’em if you got ’em

I got a smoker for Christmas from my parents that is absolutely fantastic.


Fully assembled and heating up for the initial run.

The first item we smoked was a Boston butt. I rubbed it with what I can only describe as nectar of the gods in barbecue rub form.

I discovered Uncle Yammy’s with my friend Cameron last Spring when we went up to Pawley’s Island. Cameron discovered it in the store there and it was a hit.

I had to go to seven grocery stores to find it in Charleston, but find it I did!
It is a standby.

Here’s the initial Butt in the smoker: Continue reading

Winter Wonderland!

Today Charleston was hit by the same winter storm that’s sweeping the South East. But in typical Charleston fashion, our storm has it’s own flair.

This is my typical commute:

My typical commute...

It takes about 20 minutes and can be really pretty. I cross the harbor and can see the sun come up. Occasionally I even get to drive over a fog bank, those are the coolest times.

That’s what I had on my way to work this morning. It was cold and rainy, but still only took about 20 minutes.

My way home today, though, was less enjoyable: Continue reading

New Year’s Resolution

Claire and I made a New Year’s resolution: We would walk to the grocery store.

We live at "A"

But yesterday it was cold.

And my car was parked over on Chalmers St. and I wanted to move it.

And it was cold.

And we wanted to get groceries for the week.

So we drove.

I’d like to say that we lasted a full 9 days of walking to the grocery store, but we didn’t. I just stopped by the store next to the office on the way home. So we never went to that one by foot…

The issue arose when we got to the store and remembered that I’d be out of town all week. So we really didn’t need to get a lot of groceries at all… So we bought a lot of wine!

Namely this crazy Japanese plum wine stuff. It smells terrible and antiseptic, but tastes pretty good. I’m not sure about drinking it straight, but I think it’ll make a fun mixer.

I’m inclined to attempt to form some kind of moral or lesson that I’ve learned here, but I can’t be bothered.