Guys. The pictures and the videos from this article are officially the highlight of my Friday.

Bunnies. Hopping. Over hurdles.

Why would I want a puppy when I can have a hurdle-hopping hare? Beats me, because this is outstanding.

You have to read the whole article. The video at the end basically sums up how every life challenged should be faced, overcome and hopped.

Jamey got in last night, and today I’m making him an Italian dinner from our Italian Cooking Encyclopedia. I was going to poll you all on what I should cook, but then I realized I wouldn’t have enough time to go to the store and make the dish if I waited for the end-of-day results. Plus, I think Jamey will probably just stuff the ballot box and send it out to everyone so he can have exactly what he wants for dinner – regardless of the public choice! Democracy, my foot (at least in this household).

If it’s a success, you know we’ll take pictures and share with you the glory of our Italian food. If not, well, let’s hope other meals turn out decent this weekend.

Happy Friday, folks!



My nemesis.

I am fortunate to have lived my life (so far) with very few enemies. There are people I haven’t liked, and there are occasions that I have had an awfully awkward time due to the avoidance of certain someones, but no one has been a mortal enemy who I have sworn an oath against for life.

I fear that this all has now changed.

Only a bottle of ketchup, you say? Oh, but what evils lie within.

Continue reading


Sometimes I read something and I’m amazed at how random the world is.

Something like this:

On Sept. 13, 1862, members of the 27th Indiana Infantry were awaiting orders on a hillside near Frederick, Md., as Robert E. Lee’s Confederate troops approached from the south. One of the men noticed a package on the ground and discovered three cigars wrapped in a piece of paper. The men were rejoicing in their good fortune when a sergeant noticed writing on the paper — it was headed “Headquarters of the Army of Northern Virginia.”

They had discovered Lee’s battle plan. The orders had been issued to Gen. D.H. Hill, but one of his staff officers had apparently dropped them; Hill received a second copy from Stonewall Jackson and had not realized that the first set had been lost.

The plans passed quickly up the line, and that afternoon Union general George C. McClellan was wiring the president, “I have all the plans of the rebels, and will catch them in their own trap.” The battle of Sept. 17, Antietam, was the bloodiest single day of the Civil War. It repelled the rebel army and permitted Lincoln to issue the Emancipation Proclamation from a position of strength.

Lee later told a friend: “I went into Maryland to give battle, and could I have kept Gen. McClellan in ignorance of my position and plans a day or two longer, I would have fought and crushed him.”

Futility Closet is one of my favorite sites on the internet. Great for a few minutes to get my mind moving again.

So the Battle of Antietam was lost because a staffer lost the plans in the street… crazy, huh?

I haven’t got a very good way of making this about Claire and I. I suppose I could go on for a little bit about how everything had to align perfectly for us to meet and be where we are now, but I tend to think that that level of navel-gazing reeks of hubris.

Mostly, I just think that’s a crazy little story and wanted to share it.

From belt buckles to wedding dresses

After yesterday’s somewhat somber note, I figured I should 180 the tone of this blog with a little sass from Jamey. We need to bring the silly back.

Therefore, today we bring you another round of The Internet and Alcohol Do Not Mix, part deux. Here’s a picture of the man model himself:

Bit the bullet and bought the belt buckle.

Yes, that is what you think it is: Jamey had a little too much Firefly and lemonade one night last week and bought himself a new belt buckle – made of bullets. Ridiculous. Continue reading