The Countdown begins.

I woke up this morning to a little alarm on my calendar alerting me to this:

Can we make it another 100 days? Only time will tell!

That is, 100 days until our wedding.  100 days until I, DCL, becomes DCM. 100 days until we are married.

I might be mildly freaking out now about things I still have left to do?

More so, though, I cannot wait for the moment that I first get to say, “This is my husband, James.” I think that will be a pretty magical thing.

Until then, I plan to power through the next 99 days. Thank you all for your continued love and support; you have no idea how much it means to the both of us as we move toward this amazing day.

For now, the worrywart in me is going to set another alarm for a 50-day countdown just in case I need a reminder. Because who knows…I might just need a reminder. But probably not.

Have your cake.

Like me, Jamey really likes sweets. And desserts. And stuff with sugar in general.

What’s weird to me, though, is that he prefers sugary, fruity things over anything else. I on the other hand would probably eat my fingers if they were covered in chocolate, since chocolate is all I really need in life.

Which is why this conversation did not surprise me in the least:

Claire: What do you think of angel food cake?

Jamey: Meh. [Translation: I’m not motivated to care.]

Claire: What would you think of angel food cake if it looked like this and was on our gorgeous registry cake stand?

Angel food. With strawberries. On a cake stand. Simple, really.

Jamey: (serious pause.) Meh…? [Translation: I could be convinced.]

As you can see, I have a lifetime conflict ahead of me.

Vegging Out

If we don’t have any plans on a weekend, Jamey and I usually use our time to take care of errands and do a fair amount of shopping. This often involves multiple trips to the grocery store. On the weekends, we tend to cook long, lingering meals that require an early start time (see: sous vide or smoker), leaving us with the rest of the day to do what we want. We’ll then pull out the cooked food when we’re ready to eat that evening.

One of my favorite Saturday rituals is to visit The Vegetable Bin. Sadly, Jamey and I can never make it here other nights of the week due to our commute, so it’s the only day we can stock up on our favorite cheap, local veggies and fruits. We were able to make it up there this past Saturday after our day of house hunting and other things, and picked up a few edibles that fit just perfectly with the Sunday night dinner I was envisioning.

Fruits and veggies from the Vegetable Bin, artistically portrayed.

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Little House on Queen

This Saturday, Jamey and I got up, puttered around our house for an hour or so, then headed out for a day of errands, antiquing, and house-hunting. The latter part was just a peek into a home we found on Craigslist last week, but we figured we might as well explore a few options before our lease is up at the end of August.

Our little house.

I have to admit that while I love our house, there are a few major downsides – notably, the lack of a dishwasher and washer & dryer. Stepping into our house at the end of the day with its crazy 60s kitchen often feels like a step back in time, especially due to the lack of modern technology. Continue reading