Bridge Run = Success!

Well, guess what happened: despite all my initial fears, we ran the whole stinking thing.

I am in as much disbelief as you are, I am sure. But with Coach Sadie leading the way, Anne and I were both able to cross that Bridge and run the majority of the 6.2 miles – a personal accomplishment for both Anne and myself.

I don’t think I could have done it without Sadie. That crazy girl pushed us up the hill with her words of encouragement, down the bridge, and through to the finish line. (Even though we lost her while we tried to get bagels and fruit, we found her smiling halfway across Marion Square 20 minutes later. Sorry, Sadie!)

I now have no excuses and can’t wait to get going with the rest of my running career. This counts as a start, correct?

Here are a few pictures capturing our experience (starting with the 5:30 a.m. wake-up in our pre-race pageantry at my house):

Sadie and me at 5:30 a.m., pre-race and ready to roll

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WordPress‘s joke of the day is that we posted an April Fool’s post. Well done, WordPress. Well done. (I just thought it was something Jamey posted.)

In other news, the sun has finally decided to descend upon Charleston once more. It is a good sign for things ahead and races tomorrow, along with visits from friends, a potential Firefly Distillery tasting Saturday afternoon, and Jamey’s return home.

My favorite street in Charleston today.

I’m not always mushy mush when he heads out of town for work, but I think visiting this blog incites those sentiments. Updating you on our going-ons leads me to think of him, and so of course mushiness is bound to ensue from time to time whenever I miss him – even if he’s only gone for a few days. Basically, I’m just ridiculous.

I guess it’s going to take us bickering over something for me to tamp down those feelings, but even then Jamey finds ways to amuse me.

So until the next installment in the lives of J&C, have a great weekend. Let’s hope I have enough energy to write a post for you for Monday!

Love, Claire

Walkin' down Broad on this bright sunny day

Soaking in the sun.

Sarby did arrive soon after my post on Friday, and we immediately hit the town for some Charleston fun. Somehow we ended up taking very few pictures (which, if you know Sarby and me, is very uncharacteristic of us when we get together). But in this town it’s hard to have your eyes behind the shutter all the time when there is so much scenery to take in and fun to be had, which is exactly what occurred.

Sullivan’s Island on a very hoppin’ Saturday.

This photo doesn’t really do justice to how many people were out soaking in the sun on Saturday. You can start to see the Sullivan’s lighthouse in the distance and the crowd farther down near Station 22, but I always tend to go where the crowds are fewer. Our area was just perfect, along with the sun, sand and company.

Our food expeditions were once again fruitful. Jamey cooked Greek burgers, which we topped off with feta and red peppers on Greek buns. (I don’t know where Jamey got these, but they were definitely a good low-carb option. Apologies for not taking pictures.) After a luxuriating day at the beach, we returned to a pork butt in the smoker – my favorite smoking option, of course – and polished off our meal with garden sours (oh, and you so know I documented this whole affair – future post to come!)

Great weekend once again? I think that’s a hearty yes. And this coming one is already something I greatly anticipate, but you’ll find out more about that come Friday.

Mid-Week Treats

This has been an extremely busy week in the world of working for me (and Jamey).

With my company’s launch of its new website and product, we have been slammed trying to keep things in order. Quiet moments are few, so it was such a delight yesterday to pop home for lunch and find this lovely package of goodies waiting for me:

Presents from Caroline.

Clearly, Caroline has been reading my blog! (Hi, Caroline!) Jamey and I perused the cookbook last night, and already we made a note of many recipes we want to try. I can’t wait for the farmer’s market to start up again, and now I yearn for constant warm weather even more.

Thank you, Caroline, for my wonderful package. It was such a mid-week treat!

Now, back to the grind.