Champagne Cocktails

Last week I spent ~40 hours in airports and airplanes, so when I finally got home Saturday morning, it was time to celebrate.

While Claire was finishing up the veggies to go with our Baby Back Sous Vide I walked over to the Lil’ Cricket convenience store for a bottle of cheap champagne.

I knew we had a couple of mixers that’d go with it perfectly. Namely:

St. Germain

I'm a sucker for a nice bottle.

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Ribs a la Sous Vide, of course

Recently, Jamey and I picked up a handy little steel bucket grill from Cost Plus World Market. We’ve only used it twice so far but for the same purpose: charrin’ some ribs.

Fanning the flame to make me some RIBS.

Our trips to World Market are akin to our TJ Maxx and Marshall’s ventures: we usually go in for the purpose of one item and end up leaving with bagfuls of miscellaneous nonsense. However, this miscellaneous nonsense often results in spectacular items of discovery – items that bring us bottles of limoncello, and in this case, a handy red, portable grill that we can pop out right on our front porch and anywhere else. (Beach cook-out, anyone?) Continue reading

Hotel Monahanski, a Hayes 301 Special

When my college roommates ventured out to Charleston in April, I invited them to put together a blog post recounting their experiences. Even though that was now a couple months ago, the memories are still fresh – and even fresher with today’s post.

Here is the story, brought to you by Krittika, Anna, and Megan:

A long time needed blog post is finally here!

After a long grueling winter, those of us up north decided it was high time to head south for some fun in the sun. Turns out, as luck would have it, we had just the place – we like to call it Hotel Monahanski. Continue reading

Limoncello Layaway

Over a month ago, Jamey and I got a hankering to make our own limoncello. I’m not sure what started this idea, other than the fact that Jamey loves lemons and I love photographing and blogging our recipe escapades. Naturally, this was a recipe and photoblogging plan devised in heaven.

Our homemade limoncello: bottled and poured.

Wait a minute. Now that I’m looking at this picture, I know *exactly* how this venture started: with a TJ Maxx trip.  Continue reading