From belt buckles to wedding dresses

After yesterday’s somewhat somber note, I figured I should 180 the tone of this blog with a little sass from Jamey. We need to bring the silly back.

Therefore, today we bring you another round of The Internet and Alcohol Do Not Mix, part deux. Here’s a picture of the man model himself:

Bit the bullet and bought the belt buckle.

Yes, that is what you think it is: Jamey had a little too much Firefly and lemonade one night last week and bought himself a new belt buckle – made of bullets. Ridiculous. Continue reading

Bridge Run = Success!

Well, guess what happened: despite all my initial fears, we ran the whole stinking thing.

I am in as much disbelief as you are, I am sure. But with Coach Sadie leading the way, Anne and I were both able to cross that Bridge and run the majority of the 6.2 miles – a personal accomplishment for both Anne and myself.

I don’t think I could have done it without Sadie. That crazy girl pushed us up the hill with her words of encouragement, down the bridge, and through to the finish line. (Even though we lost her while we tried to get bagels and fruit, we found her smiling halfway across Marion Square 20 minutes later. Sorry, Sadie!)

I now have no excuses and can’t wait to get going with the rest of my running career. This counts as a start, correct?

Here are a few pictures capturing our experience (starting with the 5:30 a.m. wake-up in our pre-race pageantry at my house):

Sadie and me at 5:30 a.m., pre-race and ready to roll

Continue reading

Crossing that Bridge

At some point in the past couple months, I decided to become a runner.

This has now resulted in me signing up for two races this month, one of them this coming Saturday and the other in a few more weeks.

Now, my dear friend Sadie is coming into Charleston and staying the weekend to run this race. The Cooper River Bridge Run is a big enough deal that people come in from all over the world to run it.

Needless to say, I am slightly panicking.

Not only is the race a 10k, but there are a lot of people who run it. Granted, I have done the Peachtree Road Race (another 10k) in the past, but I didn’t know where I was going and basically asked my mom to stop and walk every 3/4 mile. It was an “Are we there yet?” scenario, but I did make it to the end in one whole piece without completely collapsing.

I think the reason I am panicking this time is because I think I am in way worse shape. Although, I have been able to run several miles lately without needing to fall down and collapse on the sidewalk after, so maybe I’m not too bad? Either way, I just know that I am going to be swarmed in the mass of this:

I’ll be there…in that mass of people…heavily breathing…

And this:

This look fun yet?

The claustrophobia aspect of it also freaks me out: I can barely handle being on a machine directly next to someone at the gym.

I’d also like to add that unlike other 10k’s, this one requires me to cross a bridge with quite an intense incline over a wide body of water: Continue reading

You’re hot ‘n you’re cold

Let me paint a picture for you.

Your name is James, and you’re on a business trip in Somewhere, Pennsylvania on a Wednesday near the end of March. You’re cold, but you’re not one to complain because you’re tough. And when you’re tough, you mean business, which is why you’re there so it all works out.

However, one early Wednesday morning in Somewhere, Pennsylvania, you pull back your hotel room curtain with the hopes of a bright, sunshine-filled morning. Instead, you see this:

A hotel view in Somewhere, Pennsylvania

A cold, dark scene awaits. Perhaps some derogatory thoughts enter your head, and you wish for home.

Miles away, your sweet financee is driving around Charleston, South Carolina to find a wedding dress for the day of your marriage. She drives with nervous anticipation, heading to a store in an unfamiliar area to search for what she hopes will lead to The One. She sweats in her car, and suddenly realizes it is not a sweat from nerves or anxiety. No, to her chagrin, the temperature outside reads this: Continue reading