You’re hot ‘n you’re cold

Let me paint a picture for you.

Your name is James, and you’re on a business trip in Somewhere, Pennsylvania on a Wednesday near the end of March. You’re cold, but you’re not one to complain because you’re tough. And when you’re tough, you mean business, which is why you’re there so it all works out.

However, one early Wednesday morning in Somewhere, Pennsylvania, you pull back your hotel room curtain with the hopes of a bright, sunshine-filled morning. Instead, you see this:

A hotel view in Somewhere, Pennsylvania

A cold, dark scene awaits. Perhaps some derogatory thoughts enter your head, and you wish for home.

Miles away, your sweet financee is driving around Charleston, South Carolina to find a wedding dress for the day of your marriage. She drives with nervous anticipation, heading to a store in an unfamiliar area to search for what she hopes will lead to The One. She sweats in her car, and suddenly realizes it is not a sweat from nerves or anxiety. No, to her chagrin, the temperature outside reads this: Continue reading

Poor Timing…

Claire and I chat off and on throughout the day while we’re at our respective work places. If I have a few minutes of down-time I’ll check in and we’ll talk about what we had for lunch and the other minutiae of life.

The funny thing about Claire, though, is that she absolutely cannot detect sarcasm via text. This causes some consternation.

For example, we had this exchange about 25 minutes ago:

Jamey – 3:21pm: We have to postpone the wedding.
Claire – 3:21pm: what????
Claire – 3:21pm: what do you mean?
Claire – 3:21pm: and when on earth could we move it?
Claire – 3:21pm: what happened?
Jamey – 3:26pm: the new Batman game is out on the 18th
Jamey – 3:26pm: so
Jamey – 3:26pm: wedding’s off
Claire – 3:27pm: That was wrong.
Jamey – 3:27pm: What? I was just teasing you!

The issue is, of course, that 5 minute gap between my starting the tease, and the reveal.

Within that 5 minutes, I assume, Claire was immediately thinking all manner of horrible things that were happening in my office: firings, cancer test results, etc.

Luckily for me(although not luckily considering the story) the reason I was distracted for those five minutes was good enough to rein in Claire’s anger. A co-worker was telling me about his Brother’s family that lives in Japan and what they’re going through.

So I have learned a lesson today. When teasing Claire, make sure that the punchline is delivered in a timely fashion.

Hopefully, Chef Whiting will help me out this evening.

Sorry, Darling!

In case you were wondering…

James: where’s our Sous Vide video?

Claire: you want me to email them to you and you write the post?

James: nope

Claire: ha, ok

James: I want you to have it finished and I read it

Jamey and I sous vided some pork chops last night. In case you were on pins and needles all day today waiting for the videos, they will be posted soon. This post is basically just to showcase Jamey’s commitment to our blog and how I deal with him on a day-to-day basis.

I hope you all had a glorious weekend. We did, and I will write about that soon too.

In which I get sentimental.

All this week, Jamey has been out of town for business.

It’s always funny when he leaves and gives me the house to myself. For the first couple days, I am usually good at finding entertainment: I have time to watch all the t.v. shows and movies I have been wanting to watch (although I never got around to The Last Song like I meant to…bummer), the opportunity to throw my clothes everywhere, maybe not wash all the dirty dishes in the sink at once, and have ample time to do loads of laundry. Girls’ nights feel like they can last all evening, since I only return to an empty house, and later evening shopping excursions give me an excuse to get out and buy just what I don’t really need. (I may or may not have bought this scarf tonight…I am my mother’s daughter.)

That’s not to say Jamey pressures me to do any of the above chores or chains me to the kitchen sink when he’s home. (Or does he?) But our evening hours together are precious, since he’s not a night owl and sometimes likes to do his own thing. That’s fine, and I always respect it; I know we need our space and different activities here and there to relax and take our mind off of a long day’s work.

However, hours spent doing loads of laundry and dishes are not ever appealing (for the obvious reasons and others). I’d always rather spend time with him, no matter the activity. Evenings with Jamey are always a time of day that I wish lasted as long as some work days feel like.

But come Thursday after a business trip, I am always ready for his return. Even if it means that he makes fun of me constantly, like this…

…then nights sitting at home and mocking each other are the only evenings I need.