Postponed Recipes and Photo Spreads

Today was supposed to be my big recipe post of this glorious stuff:

That would be smoked chicken penne pasta with pesto.

…Except I did the unthinkable and can’t remember the details for the pesto recipe. (I know, right?)

I even have step-by-step pictures, but my brain is fried from excess thinking and too many hours in Target last night. We’ll just have to put that off for now until Jamey can go over it with me again later. I think I remember all the ingredients, but I don’t think you’re in the mood for a listed-out recipe today anyway, are you? Thought so.

There are too many fun things and thirsty Thursdays to prepare for in this world, including our very special Firefly/Lefthand Brewery dinner tonight at Village Post House. (Clearly I am excited since I have now said multiple times the full names of all companies involved with this dinner. Nothing like encouraging SEO traffic with mentions of libations and delicious food!)

I’m in the mood to do a photo spread, since we’ve had many a memorable moment in photo form over the past few weeks and not nearly enough posts in which to share them. Also, since some of you are not on Facebook and/or are not FB friends with the both of us, pictures – good pictures – sometimes slide by the wayside. And we can’t possibly have that.

Depending on how this post goes over with you, we might just need to make this a little routine from time to time – especially on the mornings when Claire feels a greater need to turn around and crawl back in bed, and in this case, when she starts writing about herself from a third person perspective.

I’ll just hush up now and will give you the photos.

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Friends, come and gone

Whenever the roommates are reunited, I like to think of it as something of a Glorious Reunion.

Testing the waters on an overcast Sunday

There’s something to be said about college friends and the bubbling-over of memories that come with each reunion. This one was particularly special for me, since it introduced three of my closest to my to-be-for-life significant other.

Not much of what we did was particularly out of the norm, aside from gorging ourselves with delicious food and postponing any diet “one more week.” We toured around Charleston, braved the overcast skies and did what we could to savor the weekend together – a weekend that went much too fast.  Continue reading

Our things

One of the crazier experiences that I’ve noticed lately, is how few possessions I have.

I still own the same number of things or -to be more accurate- the things I’ve purchased over the years are still in my house, but they’re no longer “my” things. They’re “ours.”

For instance.

Today Claire and I were discussing honeymoon locations when Claire said:

Why don’t you look that up on the ipad?

An innocent enough statement, you might say. But let’s look at the implications here. Continue reading